Ways To Create A Test Site

Different Methods To Create A Test Site For Better Results.

Have you ever thought about creating a testing website? There is a plus point if you have a testing site because you can test the code before showing on your main website. When the developers and designers build and design a new website respectively then they check it on a test environment.

There are many ways to create a test site. Whether you can use the folder, subdomain, localhost etc. It depends upon your choice. Let me give you the detail information about the ways to create a test site.

How To Create A test WordPress Site?

Most of the people keep their test website in one folder which is not included in the main files of the main website. There are different ways using which, you can create a developer-friendly environment. Let me show you the list.

1. With A Sub-Folder

One of the most common ways is to add your test website in a subfolder in the root directory of your website. Just create a folder and duplicate your main website.

Copy the main database and paste it in the new database created for your test website. You will see the URL of your test website like :- “http:://www.domain.com/test”

The whole data would be stored in a sub-folder and the URL of your test website should be changed from the new database. Sometimes people don’t like to use this method because they do a lot of mistakes due to the similarity in the URL of the main site and the test site.

2. With A Sub-Domain

You can create a new test website using the sub-domain. Create a sub-domain like – “http://test.domain.com” and duplicate the whole content of your main site in the sub-domain folder. The setup is same as above.

The only thing which is different is that you have the different URL for your test website and there would be a few risks to damage your main website while testing. The URL of the test site is totally different from the main site.

3. Use Local Server

This is the best method to create a test website. You can install WordPress on Xampp server or any other local server like WAMP, MAMP. There would not a chance that you would see any conflict with your main website.

You can use it without the internet. There would be nothing to worry about the risks of breaking your main website. You would be able to use the local server like an online server.

4. Use An Addon Domain

Though this is not the best action to take but still, some people like to buy a domain just to create a test website. You can do that by the same procedure. Just copy the content of your main website and paste it in the folder of your addon domain.

There would be a positive point, you will have a separate website running the same content. But make sure that you don’t index that website because if you do then it would be penalized by the Google or maybe your main website would face Google penalty and get de-indexed.

Have You Tried Any Of The Ways To Create A Test Site?

From all the above-mentioned ways, have you tried any? Have you ever even thought about creating a test website to check the design of your website after doing small changes or maybe you can check any plugin.

It’s a good activity to do. You can check all the possible things on the test website before showing them live on your main website. Sometimes, plugins create the problem. So, it would be better if you use the plugin on the test website before using it on the live site.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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